Monday, April 16

Le Petit Prince

*Note: Every day Frère plays with his sister Caline then enjoys his food and naps the day away just like this:

The Frenchman’s wife, “You live the life
of a prince Frère!”

Saturday, April 14

The Top of the Door leads to...

 Caline, “Thank you tall man for putting me up here!”
The Frenchman, “You’re welcome.”

Caline, “Now I can go to one of the best places!”
The Frenchman, “Where’s that?”

Caline, “You’ll see.”

Caline, “Ok, target in sight!”

Caline, “Leap!!!”

Caline, “That was a sucessful landing!”

Caline, “Now for the view!”

Calpine, “Those pigeons have no idea
I’m hidding up here watching them!”
The Frenchman, “It’s true that they have no
idea that you are there but they have
nothing to worry about so long
as that window is closed.”

Caline, “Well, go open it!”

*Note: In our old apartment Caline loved to climb on top of the door in the bathroom but sadly in this new apartment she can not reach the top of the doors without our help. To see more of Caline on top of the door click here.

Friday, April 13

Return of the Sphinx

The Frenchman, “It looks like
the Sphinx is back!”
Frère, “Shhh, I’m trying to think
of a way to get that pigeon!”

*Note: We have sky lights that Frère is looking through to the pigeon's on the roof.
Frère does not like it when we call him a Sphinx though he does the pose so very well. To see more click here.

Thursday, April 12

The Destroy

 Caline, “There, killed you!”

 The Frenchman’s wife, “Caline look what you did!”

 Caline, “What?”

The Frenchman’s wife, “You took
off this poor mouse tail!”
Caline, “Oh…”

*Note: Caline loves to play rough with the toys and breaks them often to see more click here.

Wednesday, April 11

Fat Cat!

 The Frenchman’s wife, “Oh my Frère,”
Frère, “What?!”

The Frenchman’s wife, “You’ve become
very fat! Look at your tummy!”
Frère, “Oh, that’s ok. I’ll sleep it off!”

*Note: This picture was taken just after Frère had finished eating his lunch so his tummy looked very full. But there is no need to worry he is in good health and not fat at all, though we often tease him and tell him he eats too much! Frère’s love is food, to see click here.

Tuesday, April 10

The Indoor Tree

*Note: In our apartment at the castle the cealings are at there tallest … high and so in order to change the lights we have to get a latter. This evening was the first time we changed the lights and this is what happened:

The Frenchman, “Is that you all
the way up there Caline?”

Caline, “Yes, do you need something?”
The Frenchman, “What are you doing up there?”

Caline, “Just looking at the cealing.”

Caline, “And admiring this new tree that
you planted for me to climb on!”
The Frenchman, “That not a tree to climb on!”

*Note: After a while Caline decided to climb down.

Caline, “Well that was fun!”

Caline, “Though I would like to go
back up again, just one last time!”
The Frenchman, “You better come down
or I’ll have to come get you. I need
to put the latter away!”

Caline, “Oh ok, I guess I’ll come down.”

*Note: Caline loves to go as high as she can and often climbs on the top of the doors for a better view to see click here. Frère on the other hand does not like to be up high it scares him, we think this is because he is not very well balanced.  To see the highest Frère will go click here.

Monday, April 9

The Mice Invasion!

*Note: Today Frère hopped into this box and sat there just like this:

  *Note: So I thought that I would play a game with him and throw some mice in the box with him for him to play with. But after I had thrown all of the mice this was all Frère did:

 The Frenchman’s wife, “Frère, you just sat there
while all of those mice invaded your
box and you did nothing!”

 Frère, “What mice?”

Frère, “I don’t see any mice.”
The Mice, “Yes, we have tricked the beast!”
The Frenchman’s wife, “You are such a lazy cat!”

*Note: I guess Frère was not in the mood for playing! This has happened before to see click here. I’m starting to wonder if Frère has signed a treaty with the mice.

Sunday, April 8

Happy Easter!

*Note: For Easter we went to visit my husband grand parents and while we weren’t looking my husband’s uncle caught the Caline and Frère doing this:

Caline, “That was an easy jump up.”

Frère, “Well, here I come.”

Frère, “Do you think we are allowed 
to have some of this?”  

*Note: Clearly Caline and Frère were not allowed to have any of the food that they found on the counter tops; but we gave them a nice cat meal for their Eastern dinner.

Caline, “Zzzz...”

Saturday, April 7

Le Jour avant Pâques

 The Frenchman’s wife, “Do you remember this basket
you curled up and slept in it last year.”

  Frère, “Really… this basket?”
Caline, “I remember it!”

  Caline, “You use to be so thin!”  

Frère, “But I remember the basket being bigger!?”

*Note: This is the first basket that Frère fell in love with. To see how Frère use to fit in this basket click here and to see Frère in his baskets click here.

Wednesday, April 4

A Nap Under a Pillow

*Note: Today as we sat on the couch talking we suddenly noticed Caline taking her afternoon nap and this is how we found her:

The Frenchman’s wife, “Well look at that!”

The Frenchman, “Caline you
are so silly!”

Caline, “You think so?”

Caline, “Yawn!”

The Frenchman, “You’re a
sweet little girl!”

Tuesday, April 3

An Even Dozen

Frère, “Can you believe
they bathed us again!”
The Frenchman’s wife, “Well would
a treat help you to feel better?”

Frère, “Did you say…”

Frère, “… treat!!!”

Frère, “It would make everything
better if you gave me a treat!”

The Frenchman’s wife, “Ok Frère,
well here you go.”

Frère, “Humm!!!”

The Frenchman’s wife, “Caline,
would you like a treat? ”
Caline, “Yes please!”

The Frenchman’s wife, “Here
you go.”
Caline, “Humm!!!”

*Note: The thing that Frère hates the most is to have a bath! So to make him feel a bit better about it we always try to give him a treat. Caline on the other hand doesn’t seam to mind taking a bath, though it is still not her favorite thing to do.
This is the 12th bath that Caline and Frère have had, to see the others click here.

Monday, April 2

Cat Past the Hour

 The Frenchman’s wife, “Caline, what
are you doing on top of
the clock?”

 Caline, “The Clock?”

 Caline, “Well I wasn't doing much.”

Caline, “Just looking around.”