Sunday, August 14

Broken Table

Frère, “Now she’s lost her mind!”
Caline, “What did she do to the table, break it?”

Frère, “There are huge holes in it!”
Caline, “I just don’t get it. Why do this?”

Frère, “There’s no way you can eat like this!”

Frère, “You have really ruined the table now!”

*Note: The table is not broken. We were having some friends over and so it had to be extended but Caline and Frère did not see the point in it.


Christmas Pie Crafts said...

I love reading your cat 'tails' - great fun


The Frenchman's wife said...

It makes us all so very happy to know that someone else enjoys our cats too! We're really glad to know that what we're doing puts a smile on your face! Thanks for following their story!