Caline, “The coast is clear!”

Caline, “It smells so good! And this time she
made a chocolate chip cake!”

Caline, “The only problem is how to get through
this invisible force field!?”

Caline, “Maybe over here? … No!”

Caline, “Or this side? … No!”

Caline, “This is clearly an indestructible barrier!”
*Note: Every time I make a cake Caline checks it like this to see if she can steal a bite. We often call her the “Food Thief”, to see another post of her attempting to steal food
click here.
That is hilarious! "invisible force field & indestructible barrier" ROTFLMAO!!! You two kitties are so cute!!
"Human typing now" Hello new friends, "Ned" was a beautiful tiger cat that I adopted as a kitten in 1991. He was my best friend for 15 years, I miss him!!! When I first needed an email address I came up with "nedsbutler@hotmail.com" as I was pretty much his butler, waiting on him hand & foot. ;)
Merci for the compliment!
Hello Ned's Butler, I can understand the lost of a best friend like Ned. Before my life in France I had two cats named Snoockums (a very big tigered boy) and Callie (a beautiful calico). They both lived long happy lives.
When my husband and I got married we wanted to have a feline friend around and ended up getting two because no one wanted our wonderful Frère. We're looking forward to having the two of them for a long time as a part of our family!!!
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