Thursday, July 14

The Reason for the Trip!

The Frenchman, “Caline, Frère, what are you
looking for?”

Caline, “ We’re looking for the fireworks that you said
would come in celebration of le 14 Juillet!”
The Frenchman, “I’m sorry, but you have to wait until it’s
night to see them.”

Frère, “Je suis très triste!”
(Translation: I am very sad!)
The Frenchman, “Don’t worry Frère, you would surely
be scared of them!”

*Note: “Le 14 Juiller” is the day when France celebrates its independence day, celabrated on the 14 of July. In some places (not in France) it is known as Bastille Day.

Premier Voyage en Train

Frenchmen’s wife, “Caline, did you pack your brother too
because it looks like you through him into the carrier!”

Caline, “No he is just being weird”
Frenchmen’s wife, “Ok, but be ready because
we're leaving soon”

*Note: A few minutes later in the train

Frère, “On the train we watched with big
eyes out the window so we didn’t miss
a thing. These are some of things
we saw.”

Caline, “We didn’t know the world could move by
so quickly!”

Frère, “It was a bit scary, but a good experience!”