Wednesday, March 28

Outside Again Part 5

*Note: At last it came time for Caline’s outside trip to end:

Caline, “Look it’s a funny looking tree!”

The Frenchman, “No Caline, that’s a
vine you’re climbing on.”

Caline, “Oh I see, it goes up this tree.”

Caline, “Then it goes around here.”
The Frenchman’s wife, “Be careful to
not get tangled up!”

Caline, “I’m not tangled.”

Note: Shortly after this picture we had to untangle her from the vine. Then it was time to go back inside. Caline wanted to run so my husband took her and they ran through the woods together just like this:

The Frenchman, “Don’t fall behind!”
Caline, “You just wait, I’m going
to beat you home!”